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map showing locations of all patriot offices

Committed to Serving You

Patriot works across North America into Canada, Mexico, and beyond to serve our client’s needs. At Patriot, our next office is on your project site. Our services extend beyond our physical location to service the needs of our clients.

Patriot – Working where you need us.

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Patriot’s Office Locations

Patriot currently has nine offices throughout IN, OH, and KY serving clients across North America and Mexico. Our next office is where you need us to be.

Patriot – Working where you need us.

Bloomington, IN

2006 S Yost Ave, Bloomington, IN 47403, USA

Cincinnati, OH

5300 Dupont Cir d, Milford, OH 45150, USA

Dayton, OH

2568 Kohnle Dr, Miamisburg, OH 45342, USA

Evansville, IN

601 E Sycamore St, Evansville, IN 47713, USA

Fort Wayne, IN

1000 Airport North Office Park, Fort Wayne, IN 46825, USA

Indianapolis, IN

6150 E 75th St, Indianapolis, IN 46250, USA

Lafayette, IN

717 Farabee Ct, Lafayette, IN 47905, USA

Louisville, KY

300 Production Ct, Jeffersontown, KY 40299, USA

Terre Haute, IN

1359 Aberdeen St, Terre Haute, IN 47804, USA

Reduce Costs, Decrease Risks, and Improve Outcomes