Fort Wayne Wastewater Treatment Plant
Fort Wayne, Indiana
This project consisted of two phases of construction. Phase No. I construction began on this project in the fall of 2002 and completed in the Fall of 2004. This project consisted of the construction of influent tunnels and a new headwork screening building. Patriot’s role for this project also consisted of auger cast pile installation observation and testing, piles load tests, concrete compressive strength testing, and soils testing.

Phase No. II
Construction began on this project in the Spring of 2006 and was completed in the Winter of 2008. This project consisted of the construction of four primary clarifiers with piping and tunnels connecting to existing facilities. As with Phase No. I, Patriot’s roles for this phase of the project consisted of auger cast pile installation and observation and testing, pile load tests, concrete compressive strength testing, and soils testing.