Muscatatuck Urban Training Center (MUTC)
Butlerville, IN
The Muscatatuck Urban Training Center (MUTC) is owned by the State of Indiana, Managed by the Indiana National Guard, and leased to the U.S. Army. It is the U.S. Department of Defense’s largest urban training facility; it is also used by local, state, and national agencies and international partners for realistic training and testing scenarios.

Patriot’s Responsibilities Included:
In 2009-2010, Patriot was part of the design-build team for construction of a High Rescue Training structure at MUTC. The structure is a six-story slab-on-grade building of concrete and steel construction. The facility is designed to resemble a bombed, partially damaged building, and provides training scenarios within an urban combat environment.
Patriot conducted a geotechnical engineering investigation of the subsurface conditions at the project site. Patriot used the findings of the investigation to provide engineering recommendations to aid in the design and construction of the building, such as:
- Seismic considerations
- Foundation design recommendations
- Considerations for potential construction challenges due to soil and groundwater conditions