Army Chemical Demilitarization Facility (NECDF)
Newport, Indiana
The project was initiated and completed in accordance with treaty requirements to neutralize the existing VX nerve agent stockpile that was created and stored at the Newport Chemical Weapons Depot in Newport; IN. Patriot was involved at the inception of the project as contractor quality control for initial site work activities preparing for the new facility. Subsequent activities included construction of the various staging structures (bunkers), laboratory facilities, process facilities, and other infrastructure relating to the state-of-the-art facility. Given the extremely sensitive nature of the facility in relation to the deadly chemical agent, quality control was critical and tolerances were tight.

Patriot’s Responsibilities Included:
Patriot was responsible for Geotechnical Review, as well as testing and inspection of soils, concrete and structural steel for the multi-phase development. Special emphasis was given to concrete mix design development and monitoring, including extremely stringent shrinkage tolerances in the neutralization process building.
Management responsibilities included attaining Army Corps of Engineers Validation; engineering & trial batching new concrete mix designs; supervising on-site and main-laboratory testing facilities; and coordination with site contractors, Parsons Infrastructure, and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.